Monday, February 9, 2009

The Department of Labour published some proposed changes to the Employment Equity Regulations during November last year. This impacts the way businesses and organizations have to report by the 1st October 2009.

One of the most important ways in which the regulations have changed is the removal of Occupational Categories from the forms.

Come and join us for a workshop in which we will take you through this important change and many others, what implications it has for you as a business and what you should do to prepare during this year.

Date: 13th February 2009 Registration: 8:30 am until 12h30

Cost: R2500 per delegate (incl VAT)

Venue: Equity Works Training Facility, Camps Bay


Cape Town, Westen Cape, South Africa
Equity Works can assist you with: Employment Equity Plan and Report Labour issues Discipline and Poor Work Performance Management Cultural Sensitivity and Barrier Analysis CCMA Referrals EE and other Labour Compliance Diversity Management Conflict Resolution